Array |
1 | Struct | codePrintHTML | string | 241: <br>
242: <br>
<b>243: <cfset sStaticPath = dc.system.path_appl_server & '\' & dc.current.application_name & '\v' & dc.current.application_version & '\' & dc.current.step_name></b><br>
244: <cfif fileExists("#sStaticPath#\#dc.current.step_name#_#dc.system.curlang#.html") and not structKeyExists(url,'writeStep')><br>
245: <cfhtmlhead text='<link rel="stylesheet" href="/#dc.system.path_appl_http#/#dc.current.application_name#/v#dc.current.application_version#/#dc.current.application_name#.css" />'><br>
| codePrintPlain | string | 241:
243: <cfset sStaticPath = dc.system.path_appl_server & '\' & dc.current.application_name & '\v' & dc.current.application_version & '\' & dc.current.step_name>
244: <cfif fileExists("#sStaticPath#\#dc.current.step_name#_#dc.system.curlang#.html") and not structKeyExists(url,'writeStep')>
245: <cfhtmlhead text='<link rel="stylesheet" href="/#dc.system.path_appl_http#/#dc.current.application_name#/v#dc.current.application_version#/#dc.current.application_name#.css" />'>
| column | | id | | line | | Raw_Trace | string | site.artedit.showappledit.v001.dsp_applfrontend_cfc$cf.udfCall(/site/ArtEdit/showApplEdit/v001/dsp_applFrontend.cfc:243) |
| template | string | E:\inetpub\wwwroot\modulpark\site\ArtEdit\showApplEdit\v001\dsp_applFrontend.cfc |
| type | |
2 | Struct | codePrintHTML | string | 3139: <br>
3140: try {<br>
<b>3141: var appBuilderContent = new ""(stConfig).getHtml();</b><br>
3142: //writedump(appBuilderContent); abort;<br>
3143: } catch (any e) {<br>
| codePrintPlain | string | 3139:
3140: try {
3141: var appBuilderContent = new ""(stConfig).getHtml();
3142: //writedump(appBuilderContent); abort;
3143: } catch (any e) {
| column | | id | | line | | Raw_Trace | string | mp.article_cfc$cf.udfCall7(/lib/mp/article.cfc:3141) |
| template | string | E:\inetpub\wwwroot\modulpark\cfc\mp\article.cfc |
| type | |
3 | Struct | codePrintHTML | string | 3231: <br>
3232: if (stConfig.j_area eq '97' and !structKeyExists(arguments.sectionStr,'content')){<br>
<b>3233: arguments.sectionStr['content'] = getAppBuilderHtml(stConfig);</b><br>
3234: }<br>
3235: <br>
| codePrintPlain | string | 3231:
3232: if (stConfig.j_area eq '97' and !structKeyExists(arguments.sectionStr,'content')){
3233: arguments.sectionStr['content'] = getAppBuilderHtml(stConfig);
3234: }
| column | | id | | line | | Raw_Trace | string | mp.article_cfc$cf.udfCall7(/lib/mp/article.cfc:3233) |
| template | string | E:\inetpub\wwwroot\modulpark\cfc\mp\article.cfc |
| type | |
4 | Struct | codePrintHTML | string | 65: <br>
66: <br>
<b>67: sGridHTML =,stForm=duplicatE(form),stUrl=duplicate(url), sectionStr:SectionOverwrite);</b><br>
68: writeOutput(trim(sGridHTML));<br>
69: <br>
| codePrintPlain | string | 65:
67: sGridHTML =,stForm=duplicatE(form),stUrl=duplicate(url), sectionStr:SectionOverwrite);
68: writeOutput(trim(sGridHTML));
| column | | id | | line | | Raw_Trace | string | site.article.grid.gridshow_cfm$ |
| template | string | E:\inetpub\wwwroot\modulpark\site\article\grid\gridShow.cfm |
| type | |
5 | Struct | codePrintHTML | string | 85: <br>
86: <cfif v_pageshow><br>
<b>87: <cfinclude template="../../article/grid/gridShow.cfm"></b><br>
88: </cfif><br>
89: <br>
| codePrintPlain | string | 85:
86: <cfif v_pageshow>
87: <cfinclude template="../../article/grid/gridShow.cfm">
88: </cfif>
| column | | id | | line | | Raw_Trace | string | site.artedit.showartedit.dsp_showartfrontgrid_cfm$ |
| template | string | E:\inetpub\wwwroot\modulpark\site\ArtEdit\showArtEdit\dsp_showArtFrontGrid.cfm |
| type | |
6 | Struct | codePrintHTML | string | 191: </cfscript><br>
192: <cfif request.gridMode><br>
<b>193: <cfinclude template="artEdit/showArtEdit/dsp_showArtFrontGrid.cfm"></b><br>
194: <cfelse><br>
195: <cfinclude template="artEdit/showArtEdit/dsp_showArtFront.cfm"><br>
| codePrintPlain | string | 191: </cfscript>
192: <cfif request.gridMode>
193: <cfinclude template="artEdit/showArtEdit/dsp_showArtFrontGrid.cfm">
194: <cfelse>
195: <cfinclude template="artEdit/showArtEdit/dsp_showArtFront.cfm">
| column | | id | | line | | Raw_Trace | string | site.fbx_switch_cfm$ |
| template | string | E:\inetpub\wwwroot\modulpark\site\fbx_Switch.cfm |
| type | |
7 | Struct | codePrintHTML | string | 239: <cftry><br>
240: <cfsavecontent variable="fusebox.layout"><br>
<b>241: <cfoutput><cfinclude template="#FB_.fuseboxpath#fbx_Switch.cfm"></cfoutput><!---include the target fbx_switch.cfm file---></b><br>
242: </cfsavecontent><br>
243: <cfcatch><br>
| codePrintPlain | string | 239: <cftry>
240: <cfsavecontent variable="fusebox.layout">
241: <cfoutput><cfinclude template="#FB_.fuseboxpath#fbx_Switch.cfm"></cfoutput><!---include the target fbx_switch.cfm file--->
242: </cfsavecontent>
243: <cfcatch>
| column | | id | | line | | Raw_Trace | string | site.fbx_fusebox30_cf50_cfm$ |
| template | string | E:\inetpub\wwwroot\modulpark\site\fbx_fusebox30_CF50.cfm |
| type | |
8 | Struct | codePrintHTML | string | 9: <br>
10: <br>
<b>11: <cfinclude template="fbx_fusebox30_CF50.cfm"></b><br>
| codePrintPlain | string | 9:
11: <cfinclude template="fbx_fusebox30_CF50.cfm">
| column | | id | | line | | Raw_Trace | string | site.index_cfm$ |
| template | string | E:\inetpub\wwwroot\modulpark\site\index.cfm |
| type | |